
Showing posts from August, 2015

real life struggles

The Struggle is real The fight for life Doesn't matter how you feel We all pay the price An onion may be able to peal But we absorb like rice In order for us to heal We must do what is right. So before you judge how I act and feel Just remember this is my life. The reason for me to post something like this is because I've got a friends a really good friend who is struggling with her life at the moment she has been diagnosed with a rare lymes disease something very few people have to fight, she is an inspiration in my eyes because she has been fighting since we were teens and she is still fighting, she still managed to become her dream, become a wife, become a mother and live her life rather than letting something hold her back, she is a true fighter through and through. They say a disease or disorder is a disability, I believe it to be your strength and drive the more you fight to live the more you live your life rather than dwelling on what is wrong, I grew up